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CPS Adopted an Amur Leopard

During November’s school assembly we celebrated the hard work and dedication of last year’s second graders as well as the support given by the entire school body in adopting an Amur Leopard!

Last spring, the second graders researched various endangered species in cooperative groups. These groups then presented their findings to the school body during our World Wildlife Assembly. The school voted to raise money for an Amur Leopard. The second graders then brought in all the snack supplies needed to run their own Trail Mix Bar during snack time for a week. Trail mix cups were sold for twenty-five cents a cup, and by the end of the week, our second graders earned $302.65 for the protection and care of an Amur Leopard.

This money was sent to the World Wildlife Foundation, and we’ve recently received our school’s adoption certificate! Great work Ms. Preston’s, Mrs. Gosselin’s, and Mrs. Imes’ second graders from the 2018-2019 school year! What an accomplishment to adopt an Amur Leopard and take your learning outside of our classroom walls! 🐆 We can’t wait to learn about the species this year’s second graders will be researching in the upcoming months!

by Victoria Imes

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