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Winter Weather Has Arrived


         With the arrival of winter weather and colder temperatures, it seems like a good time to remind parents and students about a few issues that may arise:

  • No School Announcements:  If winter weather causes cancellation of our school day, announcements will be made over local radio and television stations and on our website www.rsu18.org.  You may also choose to “opt in” to receive text message alerts on your mobile device by texting YES to 68453 from your mobile device.
  • Unexpected Early Dismissals:  If it becomes necessary to close school early on any day, announcements will be made over local radio and television stations and on our website www.rsu18.org.  Please make prior arrangements with your child(ren) about procedures for house keys, sitters, and similar concerns that can occur when school unexpectedly closes early.
  • Outdoor Recess:  Recess is a time for children to play and socialize outside in good weather.  Parents are asked not to send notes requesting that their child stay inside unless there are very unusual circumstances or a doctor’s note.  Please ensure that your child is dressed appropriately for outside play – warm coats, hats/hoods, mittens, ski pants, and boots are necessary for your child to enjoy their time on the playground.  Students without ski pants and boots must remain on the paved portion of the playground when the field is wet and/or snow-covered.  On days of extreme cold (temps below 10 degrees, factoring in the windchill) or rainy days, students remain in their classrooms during recess.
  • Health Concerns:  You can help your family stay healthy this winter by encouraging your child(ren) to wash their hands before eating, after using the bathroom, and after sneezing or blowing their nose.  Your child should not attend school if he/she exhibits one or more of the following symptoms:  diarrhea, fever, flu, bacterial or viral infections (including conjunctivitis, impetigo, and strep throat), rash, or vomiting.  Children with these symptoms cannot comfortably participate in program activities, and they unnecessarily expose others to their illnesses.  If you have any questions whether your child(ren) should attend school, please give our school nurse a call.  By using these few guidelines, we can all stay a little healthier.
  • Student Absences:  If your child is absent from school, please call the school office by 9:00 AM on that day to explain the reason for the absence, or send in a written excuse note upon his/her return to school.


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