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Heart of a Dragon Award: October 2024

Congratulations to Easton and Eithan of China Primary School for earning the Heart of a Dragon Award for the month of October!

Easton is a kind and hardworking first grader every day! He’s always willing to help others. Each day Easton does his best work and is respectful to everyone. Easton approaches everything with a good attitude and takes challenges and mistakes in stride. Easton definitely helps to make China Primary a great school and has the heart of a CPS Dragon!

Eithan consistently shows the heart of a dragon qualities. He is honest with his friends and teachers and always does the right thing. He is attentive and participates in class discussions. He is always willing to try new things even when they are challenging, as he understands what it means to have a growth mindset. He is responsible and thoughtful, always helping when others are in need. Eithan takes pride in everything he does and is a role model for his peers.

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